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SLCan Pandemic Preparedness Guide for Laboratories
A guide to help laboratories keep playing their vital role during the next pandemic.

This document is structured in two main sections.


First at high level, the document describes what pandemics and infectious diseases are, understanding the issues at stake, how they come to exist, and their main transmission mechanisms. This first section will help set the place for understanding how diseases evolve, how they affect health, and the spread mechanisms that could be of interest for us in the world of laboratories.


The second part of the document will explore how lab planners and operators can prepare for pandemics by reviewing three major aspects of lab operations: workforce, infrastructure, and procurement.

Working in Lab
I2SL Best Practices

Best Practice Guides and Technical Bulletins provide information on the design, construction, and operation of specific technologies that contribute to energy efficiency and sustainability in laboratories. The guides include information from actual implementation of these technologies in various laboratory facilities by highlighting quantifiable performance goals and possible methods to achieve them.

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