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Register by September 27 to save!

Fee includes the Conference, networking reception and all refreshment breaks and lunches.


Member Early Bird Registration* (on/before Sept 27, 2024) – $1,095 + tax
Member Regular Registration* (after Sept 27, 2024) – $1,295 + tax


Non-Member** Early Bird Registration (on/before Sept 27, 2024) – $1,595 + tax
Non-Member** Regular Registration (after Sept 27, 2024) – $1,795 + tax


Student Registration - $175 + tax


Speaker Registration - $650 (Separate form required. To be provided with the presentation confirmation. Limit one per presentation.)

Exhibitor Registration - $895 (Separate form required. To be provided with the exhibit confirmation. Limit one per booth.)


The ticket cost includes access to select sections of the Art Gallery, cocktail reception and buffet dinner.


Tickets – $150 + tax


*Through SLCan's partnership with I2SL, I2SL members are now eligible to register for the Conference at the member rate.

**Non-members that have not previously held a membership will receive a one-year membership as part of their registration!

The Host

Sustainable Labs Canada (SLCan) was created in 2013 with the goal of fostering national and international cooperation in the laboratory community.


SLCan has grown to 300 members across Canada and internationally, with Chapters in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa and Atlantic Canada.

The Attendees

People coming to this conference are prepared to learn more about the development of sustainable labs, laboratory optimization and innovative designs and technology. Many of the attendees include:

  • Research Hospitals

  • Universities

  • Government Labs

  • Biotech / Pharma companies

  • Service Providers

  • Architects

  • Engineers

  • Consultants

  • Equipment Vendors

The Conference

SLCan's Sustainable Laboratory Conferences are a Canadian national forum focused on strengthening the sustainable laboratory community and sharing knowledge, promoting innovation and best practices, as well as providing a platform for strategic thinking and discussion on the challenges and opportunities related to these assets. 

The Program

The two-day program will include keynote presentations, panel discussions and concurrent breakout sessions.


The 2024 SLCan Conference Committee is exploring the following topics as the focus of this year's conference:

  1. DEI – Accessibility and Inclusion in Labs

  2. Reduction in Embodied Carbon and Net Zero Goals

  3. From Incubation to Commercialization

  4. Greening Operations and Policies

What Our Members Say

Martin Mihowich LabsCanada.jpg

Marty Mihowich, Laboratories Canada, Public Services and Procurement Canada

Sustainable Labs Canada exemplifies collaboration and innovation, making a lasting positive impact to all science infrastructure within Canada. 
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